Spiritual Coaching

This is a one and one personal coaching over time, helping an individual learn their spiritual lessons, and help them grow. During the sessions, we go through meditations, discussions and learning curves of individuals. Healing occurs here on a very spiritual level,as an individual works on acceptance and moving forward. This is a journey of one life and beyond., opening the doors of the universe within self and connecting with divine energy.


Everyone needs guidance and wants to know what will happen in future so they can plan and be prepared. Tarot is a form of guidance and prediction! It helps us understand the current situations through the CARDS – and its images on life – it helps us become intuitive and make sense of why and what is happening in our life! Stuck in a difficult situation in life? This is basically one hour or a half hour personal session depending on the need of the individual, the answers shall be provided through divine communication and intuition

Emotional Healing

A one on one session where one goes through a deep healing experience, releasing any physical, mental, emotional or spiritual blocks that are keeping them from growing in this lifetime. These sessions are a blend of various techniques and healing modalities.
(EFT, Angel Therapy, Pranic Healing, Hypnosis, Regression, Crystal Healing, Meditation, Sound healing)

Sadhna & Meditations:

These sessions are designed for those who need one-on-one guidance in practising higher forms of meditations.

Relationship/Couple Spiritual Healing

Couples and relationships have the most karmic bonds and debts. Couples Energy Healing is a strong resource for strengthening relationships by healing them and working on the root causes of the disturbances where it is most needed.Both partners are individually healing on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level removing energy blockages and then realigning energies to solve root issues in their relationship. Energy Healing for Couples is not only for lovers but also for any relationship; it helps you understand lessons and grow together with a deeper spiritual connection.

Karmic Cleansing

We have been living multiple lives and performing actions from which we reap either benefits or lessons. We need to release some old baggage to move forward spiritually, things that are holding us captive mentally and emotionally and on a spiritual level. These create patterns and blocks in our life if not liberated. These sessions do just that! Looking at your life ( current & past ), try to work on the root cause of the issue at hand and release what is not needed to help you move forward. Every divine being in the world has the potential to heal itself.

Personal Coaching

One on one guidance. A blend of all aspects, spiritual, professionals, personality and other areas an individual needs to be coached to become the best version.

There are various other programs that can be customised for more information and details please.

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