Corporate Offerings

POP (Psychology of Personalities)

A Fun Group program to understand the Psychology of personalities! We are made differently and act differently. Know how to influence others, and manage stressful situations and confrontations with people at work and home with the help of colors and fun games. We behave, communicate, react, and express differently. BUT we live together as a society! Get a sneak-peak and understanding of our own personality; where you learn how to leverage your strength in respect to personality type and help develop it effectively and build Confidence. Become aware of your own behaviour and biases and personality traits.

Understanding the Blueprint of life

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience not the other way around! Do you sometimes wonder why some things happen to you? Who are you? Why do I exist? What is my karmic cycle! We help you open doors to your inner self & understand where you have come from and what is your purpose, your blueprint of life! 

Awaken your soul by joining this very special journey and questioning our core existence and uncovering and breaking hidden patterns of your life that have kept you from achieving and  manifesting your best.


We all have emotions and we need to use them intelligently. The way you handle personal relationships and dynamics with your colleagues depends on it. Emotional intelligence can greatly impact your work life and career, so it’s important to understand exactly what it is and why it is so important. Every workplace is composed of people with different strengths, personalities and emotions, which can greatly affect the way they work. Take this program and find out if you are emotionally intelligent and how to develop these skills. Good news is EI can be developed!


Trust, frustration, strained relationships and stress are just a few examples of. Spiritually imbalanced individuals at work Through this program we give them various techniques to cope, channel their energy, uncover and understand their work, their role in it and build strong value based relationships with self and others. Reflection, Relationship and faith itself will help them build a happy and productive culture in the organisation.


This program looks at all aspects of wellbeing, introducing the participants to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual quotient of their being. Empowering them with techniques and routines they can use in their everyday life for a well-balanced life.         (meditation, affirmations, NLP, Hypnosis etc)


This is designed specially for introducing mindfulness, and giving an in-depth view of how it works with method and science.
There are various techniques that are taught during. The program and a regular. Check is kept on the participants for over the course of 7 weeks ( or as decided).
13 Spiritual Principles & Management
This is a fantastic program that looks at how we can blend spirituality in our management of work and every dealings at work. It looks at 13 core Spiritual Principles and weaves it into today’s management model of working.


Leaders shall have the knowledge for designing the standards and shall demonstrate the same to the universe.


Vedic knowledge and understanding is as applicable today as it was thousands of years back.
This program will help participants build that bridge and take some learnings and practical application from the Indic Knowledge system and apply them to their life as it enriches their life.


This is individual coaching through, healing and therapy works to understand and help the participant to move on their personal journey and enhance their capabilities and grow internally as well as externally.


  1. Positive Psychology & Affirmations
  2. Spiritual parenting for working parents
  3. My Dream My Life ( NLP for employees)
  4. Mythology and Management

There are various other programs that can be customised for more information and details please.

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